Lynda Croome (APT Legal Ltd)

  Company: APT Legal Ltd Location / Address: Suite 27 Newark Beacon Centre, Cafferata Way, Newark NG24 2TN Postcode(s) Covered: All NG, All DE. All LE I am a chartered financial Planner and Independent Financial Adviser with over 30 years experience. I specialise in providing financial planning strategies for clients focusing on helping them to…


Company: APT Legal Ltd
Location / Address: Suite 27 Newark Beacon Centre, Cafferata Way, Newark NG24 2TN
Postcode(s) Covered: All NG, All DE. All LE

I am a chartered financial Planner and Independent Financial Adviser with over 30 years experience. I specialise in providing financial planning strategies for clients focusing on helping them to achieve their goals and objectives. Part of the process of financial planning and being an holistic planner is identifying areas of planning that perhaps the client has not considered or would impact on their goals.

This can include areas of protection planning – the what ifs in the event of a premature death or a longer term illness/disability. Or looking at the tax implications – are there ways to reduce their tax liability – giving them more money towards their goals but also looking at future tax implications such as inheritance tax.

I also consider all aspects of estate distribution and consider the use of all vehicles including trusts.

I work with a number of clients who own their own businesses – a great asset to their financial planning goals – an important part of which is in respect of their exit strategy and/or continuation plans – which I can help with.

As part of getting to know my clients I also ask about the provisions of their Wills and discussing what provisions they have made. I will review the wording in their Wills to make sure that their wishes are reflected accurately.
If a client does not have a Will then I will discuss their wishes and the importance of having a will and the impact of not having a Will.

I also discuss with clients the importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney and will go through instructions with them.

  • Wills
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • Probate

About The Society of Will Writers

The Society of Will Writers is a non-profit making self-regulatory organisation whose primary objectives are the advancement, education and ethical standards within the will writing profession.

Contact Us

The Society of Will Writers
Chancery House
Whisby Way

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Tel: 01522 687888
E-mail: [email protected]

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Copyright by The Society of Will Writers. All rights reserved.
Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 02918900.



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