April 2015 spells a very special time for Will Writing’s premier representative organisation. 21 years ago 5 professionals began an independent membership organisation with a view to providing the consumer with realistic consumer protection. That membership base now numbers 1700.
Over the years the Society has developed and grown significantly. Their primary aim remains to provide consumer protection through self-regulation with a view to eventual statutory regulation. In May 2013 with the realistic thought that formal regulation would be introduced those in the SWW ranks approaching retirement made the decision whether or not they would like to continue under a new regime, or whether they would like to hang up their quills. As a result of the prospect the SWW reported a noticeable decline but more recently and in line with ever increasing training efforts those numbers have soared.
Whilst the Society plans to have an understated celebration in their office, they have promised that they will be celebrating at their 20th annual will writers’ conference in October.
When congratulated and asked about the achievement Brian McMillan, Director General said the following;
“Thank you,
We are incredibly proud of the achievements and steps we have made over the last 21 years. We have grown to offer training and support to a huge number of people and would like to thank them for the confidence they have provided us with.
21 years ago we could have only hoped for the success we have had and it’s difficult to believe that I have dedicated a third of my life to our members and to the profession. We have a great team in place and hope to continue our development and support for the profession”.
Looking forwards another 21 years, it is difficult to predict the future, but The Society of Will Writers are looking forward to the challenges that awaits us.