In this instalment of the SWW Technical Team's Common Questions in our Inbox series, let’s talk about severance of joint tenancy.
In this instalment of the SWW Technical Team's Common Questions in our Inbox series, let’s talk about severance of joint tenancy.
There are two different ways to actually “own” the property; firstly, would be Joint Tenants, secondly would be Tenants in Common.
We come across queries on the subject of severances on a daily basis so we thought this article might help answer those common questions.
Property Protection Trusts (PPTs) are by far one of the most common types of trusts included in wills.
If you own your property jointly with another person or people there are two ways that you might hold the property - joint tenants or tenants in common.
When it comes to estate planning it’s very important that you know how you own your property.