I’d like to devote this first instalment of From the Desk of the Director to the success that was the 2022 SWW Conference.
I’d like to devote this first instalment of From the Desk of the Director to the success that was the 2022 SWW Conference.
Legal Growth is excited to announce that we will be attending The Society of Will Writers' Annual Conference this year!
At SWW Trust Corporation we’re no strangers to the SWW Conference, and we’re looking forward more so than ever to coming back this year.
The case of The Public Guardian v RI & Ors [2022] EWCOP 22 came before District Judge Poole in May of this year.
The Estate Planner’s Toolkit are delighted to be attending the SWW Conference for the 2nd year.
In the third instalment of our SWW Conference Speaker Features, we have Antony Brinkman, who established The Willwriting Partnership in 1999.
In this instalment of the 2022 SWW Conference Speaker Features, we have Professor Keith Brown of the National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work.
In the first of the 2022 SWW Conference Speaker Features, we have Adam Johnson of New Forest Wealth Management.
We’re thrilled to announce the 25th running of the SWW Annual Conference taking place on the 10th and 11th of October 2022!