Protect your estate and loved ones with a Will and LPAs. Plan for the future today with expert guidance from an SWW member.
Protect your estate and loved ones with a Will and LPAs. Plan for the future today with expert guidance from an SWW member.
Before a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can be used, it must be registered with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG).
In this article, we take a more in-depth look into one of the certificate provider's roles, assessing the donor's mental capacity.
Learn about the vital role of a Certificate Provider in ensuring the validity of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and who can act as one.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows a person (called the donor) to appoint someone they know and trust (called the attorney) to make decisions on their behalf should they become unable to do so in the future. However, there may be occasions when the LPA needs to be changed...
Here are some pointers for the donor to take into account when making their decision of who to appoint as their attorneys.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the Health and Welfare LPA, and what the consequences of not having one of those are.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the Property and Financial Affairs LPA, and what the consequences of not having one of those are.
An LPA is a legal document which allows a person to appoint someone they know and trust to make decisions on their behalf should they lose capacity.
This is a case that came about due to a challenge by the Office of the Public Guardian (‘OPG’) as to the validity of both LPAs.