In this instalment of Common Questions let’s talk about the Property Protection Trust (PPT) and the residence nil rate band (RNRB).
In this instalment of Common Questions let’s talk about the Property Protection Trust (PPT) and the residence nil rate band (RNRB).
Have you thought about making one of your new year's resolutions to put documentation in place to protect your estate and your loved ones?
So far, we have explored how to potentially save up to £650,000 from being taxed, now I am going to explain where the remaining £350,000 comes from!
Inheritance Tax, a daunting pair of words for most people and often accompanied by worries of it being complicated...
For the purposes of this article we will look at the IHT charge payable on death which relates to the deceased’s estate.
There are three ways that woodlands can escape IHT. This article will look at some points on IHT to consider when dealing with woodland.
A look back over the past year for a roundup of developments and interesting news relating to succession law, trusts, and will writing.
With the introduction of the Finance Act 2006 the possibility of using lifetime planning for saving inheritance tax was severely restricted using lifetime settlements.
Inheritance tax (IHT) receipts have surged by an astounding 22.9% in the first quarter of the tax year, and according to HMRC the amount of IHT paid in the last year has reached an all-time high. But what does this mean for the average person? We cover the basics on IHT.
IHT, short for Inheritance Tax is a tax introduced by the Inheritance Tax Act 1984.