Challenge to Will's validity based on the testator's lack of testamentary capacity and absence of knowledge and approval of its contents.
Challenge to Will's validity based on the testator's lack of testamentary capacity and absence of knowledge and approval of its contents.
This is a case that came about due to a challenge by the Office of the Public Guardian (‘OPG’) as to the validity of both LPAs.
In this instalment of 'In CASE you missed it' we look at a case that demonstrates the perils of mutual wills.
In this instalment of 'In CASE you missed it...' we take a look at the recent case of F v R [EWCOP 49 2022].
In instalment of our 'In CASE you missed it' series, we are looking at Re Williams (Deceased) [2021] EWHC 586 (Ch).
In this feature we examine key cases in relation to will writing and other estate planning activities. This time we look at Re Kelly (Deceased) [2020].
For this instalment of 'In CASE you missed it', we’ll look at Rea v Rea & Ors [2019] EWHC 2434 (Ch).
It’s time again for “in case you missed it”, where we examine key cases in relation to will writing and other estate planning activities to keep you up to date on recent developments in the law. This time we’ll look at Naylor & Amat v Barlow & Others [2019] EWHC 1565 (Ch).
We will examine key cases in relation to will writing and other estate planning activities to keep you up to date on recent developments in the law, starting with Blyth v Sykes.