The College of Will Writing Expands Course Offering

25th February 2020Anthony Belcher2

Training is and always has been at the very heart of everything The Society of Will Writers does. Since 1995 The College of Will Writing has been providing that training and support to members of the Society, as well as other active professionals in our field and even complete beginners. Having opened the doors to our dedicated facility in 2013, each year we have seen an increase in both the number of students and the number of courses available to them. 2020 boasts our biggest line-up of courses in years covering totally new topics from some new tutors as well as old favourites and now even more distance learning options. Let’s take a look at what’s on offer this year.

Negligent Will Drafting, Craig Ward

The ever-popular Craig Ward returns to the College now adding Negligent Will Drafting to his repertoire. As we know, making a Will is fairly straightforward but making a valid one takes a little more time.

This course aims to demonstrate how to draft a negligent Will. In drafting such a Will, practitioners will develop their skills in identifying problems and pitfalls in drafting practice.

The course updates practitioners with current developments and recent case law in drafting, together with advanced skills in Will preparation and advising clients. To assist in learning practical worked examples will be used throughout the course.

More details.

The Impact of Divorce and Separation on Estate Planning, Neil Denny

Neil Denny brings both a brand new tutor and brand new course to the College for 2020. Neil is a senior family law associate working out of the Roythornes Solicitors Nottingham office. He has over 20 years’ experience working as a solicitor in the sector, acting for professionals, business owners, or their partners, to resolve the financial and children matters arising within divorce or separation proceedings.

Separation and divorce can dramatically impact the estate planning arrangements made by the couple’s parents. This often results in unforeseen and unattractive consequences. The impact of divorce and separation on estate planning course enables you to place the advice you give to your clients into this broader context of inter-generational family dynamics.

More details.

Psychopomp: Leading the Legacy, distance learning course

This course, written and delivered by another College favourite, James Greenwood-Reeves has been totally revamped and moved to our new online LMS platform. The College has always been keen on bringing our training courses to wider audiences, and distance learning is clearly the way to go having already seen an incredible take-up of our SWWEPP distance learning course.

This practical hands-on course takes a pragmatic approach to estate planning and getting your clients affairs in order. This course slips neatly into our existing range of Estate Planning Courses and serves as the perfect follow-up to our SWWEPP Wills and Estate Planning Certificate course, teaching you through practical scenarios to begin properly applying the knowledge you have gained.

More details.

The College of Will Writing now hosts 23 courses, with more being added later this year so make sure to keep up to date with everything happening at the College through the Society’s newsletters, social media and your regional group. All our courses award CPD hours and are discounted for members of the Society. Courses often book up quick so don’t delay in securing your place.

To book onto any of our courses, visit or for more details please email [email protected] or give us a call on 01522 687888.

Have you attended a course recently? Let us know in the comments below!

Anthony Belcher

Anthony graduated from the University of Lincoln with a first in Audio Production in 2016. Deciding to pursue an alternative career, he started as the Society’s graphic designer that same year with his appointment to the board of directors coming later in 2019. Outside of the Society he is still a keen musician and avid collector of vinyl records.


  • Tina Hawke

    7th March 2020 at 9:55 am

    I love my newsletters, they are very informative and I save a lot of the articles for my reference folder.

    Thank you for the support throughout the years.



    • Anthony Belcher

      9th March 2020 at 8:47 am

      That’s great Tina, thanks for the kind words! Glad you’re finding them useful. As ever, if there’s anything we can help with just let us know.

      – Anthony.


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The Society of Will Writers is a non-profit making self-regulatory organisation whose primary objectives are the advancement, education and ethical standards within the will writing profession.

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