If in the unfortunate event you are dissatisfied with the service provided to you by a member of the Society of Will Writers, you may wish to make a complaint. Whatever the reason for your complaint, there are procedures that must be followed to ensure that it is dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner.

Firstly, you must address your issue with the member concerned, making sure to provide as many details to them as you can, as well as how you would like them to resolve the issue. We always advise sending your complaint in writing so that you can keep record of the communication. You may wish to send this by recorded delivery so that you know it has been delivered. We advise members to respond to any complaints within 7 working days, so you should allow for this time before expecting a reply. The member will do the best they can to resolve your issue with you directly, however if you are still not satisfied, or if you cannot get a response from your Will writer, you may then bring the complaint to us.

The easiest way to bring your complaint to us is to use our online complaints form which will guide you through all the information that we will need to help investigate your issue. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] or write to us at SWW Complaints, Chancery House, Whisby Way, Lincoln, LN6 3LQ. We cannot deal with complaints over the phone. We do not investigate complaints in-house, however we will write to you to let you know we have received your complaint and will then pass it onto our external assessors.

Your complaint will then be investigated, and we will ask the member concerned for their version of events. We will ask for your comment on their response, and should it be found that the member has failed to comply with our standards, as well as that set out in the SWW Code of Practice then we will consider the best way to deal with it. Depending on the nature and seriousness of the problem, we may:

  1. offer conciliation if we think there is something that can be done to resolve your complaint; or
    2. decide that it would be best to deal with the subject matter of the complaint by investigating it further to see whether the Society should discipline the Will Writer.

If there are any matters that we cannot deal with, we will let you know and explain why. For example, if the courts are involved, we are unable to do anything as the courts take precedent.

For full details of the SWW Complaints Procedure, please click here:

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  • Karan Kertolli

    11th July 2020 at 6:43 pm

    I haven’t recieved my documents from Windsor Law. I realise they may have worked from home, I feel I have been scammed. They do t answer the phone and emails are now bouncing back. What can I do


    • Anthony Belcher

      13th July 2020 at 4:20 pm

      Hi Karan, thanks for getting in touch.

      We would recommend that you continue to pursue the company in question for an update on your documents. It may be that due to the pandemic there is a delay, however, we would still expect for documents to be produced in a timely manner. You could try writing to them via post, or see if you can contact them via their website instead. Unfortunately, it looks like the company in question isn’t registered with us so there would be little we could do to assist further. If you do not receive your documents your next step could be to speak with your local citizen’s advice and/or trading standards to see if they know anything about the company and why they may not be replying. You may also want to check with the Institute of Professional Will Writers in case they’re registered with them.

      I hope this helps. Please do get in touch if you require anything further.


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About The Society of Will Writers

The Society of Will Writers is a non-profit making self-regulatory organisation whose primary objectives are the advancement, education and ethical standards within the will writing profession.

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The Society of Will Writers
Chancery House
Whisby Way

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Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 02918900.



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