Company: YELLOW BRICK WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING LIMITED Location / Address:Sunderland Postcode(s) Covered: SR, NE, DE, TS Estate Planning Consultant I have been involved in many aspects of Law and now focus on private clients. Refreshingly different will writing services. Friendly, professional, honest and straightforward services delivered with no hard sell or pressure. I offer will…
Location / Address:Sunderland
Postcode(s) Covered: SR, NE, DE, TS
Estate Planning Consultant
I have been involved in many aspects of Law and now focus on private clients. Refreshingly different will writing services. Friendly, professional, honest and straightforward services delivered with no hard sell or pressure. I offer will writing, powers of attorney. I can assist you with all of your estate planning needs, and would be happy to discuss each of these with you.
I’m different because service is genuinely driven by what my customers want from me and not the other way around. I am based in the North East but my reach is UK wide.
In my spare time I am a passionate football fan and develop talent in music.
As well as taking day/night trips with my partner.